Dynamic DNS Update Client (DUC) for Linux
Mantieni il tuo attuale indirizzo IP sincronizzato con il tuo host o dominio No-IP con il nostro Dynamic Update Client (DUC).
Linux DUC Version 3.3.0
With our quick setup guide for Linux DUC 3.3.0 you can be up and running in no time! Refer to No-IP Docker Repo to use the Docker Image.
Version 3.3.0
- Simple Design with Minimal Dependencies
- No Configuration File
- AWS Metadata Support for Public IP Built In
Allow Updating to a Specific IP with
--ip-method static:<IP>
- Uses Compatibility Protocol (nic/update)
- Run Command on IP Change
Installation Instructions for Linux
- Scarica e installa il DUC Linux nel terminale
wget --content-disposition https://www.noip.com/download/linux/latest
tar xf noip-duc_3.3.0.tar.gz
cd /home/$USER/noip-duc_3.3.0/binaries && sudo apt install ./noip-duc_3.3.0_amd64.deb
- Una volta installato, esegui noip-duc per avviare il programma.
- You will want to explore the various options, so run
noip-duc --help
per vedere i comandi disponibili.
- You will want to explore the various options, so run
Per accedere e inviare aggiornamenti utilizzando le chiavi DDNS, inserire quanto segue
noip-duc -g all.ddnskey.com --username <Nome utente chiave DDNS> --password <Password chiave DDNS>
Priority Support
No-IP Priority Support is a priority response support channel that is staffed with our friendly and experienced Technical support team. Priority Support allows you to get the support you need as quickly as possible.
Per Cominciare
This guide will walk you through the installation and setup of the Dynamic Update Client for Linux.
IniziaScrivi il tuo proprio Client
Sei interessato a creare i tuoi propri aggiornamenti? Vedi il nostro facile da usare dynamic DNS update API.