Using Your Cisco Router with No-IP Dynamic DNS Services

Cisco IOS versions 12.4 and later have the capability to directly update your No-IP hostname using a built-in DDNS client. If you have a Cisco router with the latest firmware, this support is already built into it. We offer these examples below for informational purposes only, and recommend that router configuration changes be made by qualified personnel to minimize the risk of losing Internet connectivity or causing other damage to the router.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. ip ddns update method method-name

4. interval maximum days hours minutes seconds

5. ddns [both]

6. internal

7. http

8. add url

9. remove url

10. exit

11. exit

12. interface interface-type number

13. ip ddns updatehostname hostname

14. ip ddns update method-name

15. exit


Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

• Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

Configure Terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

Ip ddns update method method-name


Router(config)# ip ddns update method myupdate

Specifies the update method name and enters DDNS update method configuration mode.

Step 4

Interval maximum days hours minutes seconds


Router(DDNS-update-method)# interval maximum 2 0 0 0

Configures a maximum update interval. The arguments are as follows:

days—Range is from 0 to 365.

hours—Range is from 0 to 23.

minutes—Range is from 0 to 59.

seconds—Range is from 0 to 59.

Step 5

DDNS [both]


Router(DDNS-update-method)# ddns

Configures DDNS as the update method. The both keyword specifies that both A and PTR RRs will be updated.

Note: You can specify DDNS or HTTP but not both in one step. If you have specified DDNS, you must disable it by using the no ddns command before you can configure HTTP. For the HTTP configuration, see Steps 7,8 and 9.

Step 6



Router(DDNS-update-method)# internal

Specifies that an internal cache will be used as the update method.

Step 7



Router(DDNS-update-method)# http

Configures HTTP as the update method and enters DDNS-HTTP configuration mode.

Step 8

add url


Router(DDNS-HTTP)# add<h>&myip=<a>

Configures a URL that should be invoked in order to add or change a mapping between a hostname and an IP address. The following example configures the URL to be invoked to add or change the mapping information using<h>&myip=<a>.

You have to enter the URL string above. Username is your username and password is your password at the No-IP website. The special character strings and a> will be substituted with the hostname to update and the IP address with which that hostname should be associated, respectively.

Instead of using your No-IP account credentials, you can create and use DDNS Keys. They offer increased account security and better update client compatibility.

Note: Before entering the question mark (?) character, press the control (Ctrl) key and the v key together on your keyboard. This will allow you to enter the ? without the software interpreting the ? as a help query.

Step 9

remove url


Router(DDNS-HTTP)# remove<h>&myip=<a>

Configures a URL that should be invoked in order to remove a mapping between a hostname and an IP address. The URL takes the same form as the add keyword in Step 8.

Step 10



Router(DDNS-HTTP)# exit

Exits to update-method configuration mode.

Step 11



Router(DDNS-update-method)# exit

Exits to global configuration mode.

Step 12

interface interface-type number


Router(config)# interface ether1

Enters interface configuration mode.

Step 13

ip ddns updatehostname hostname


Router(config-if)# ip ddns update hostname

Specifies a host to be used for the updates. The update will associate this hostname with the configured IP address of the interface. The hostname argument specifies the hostname that will receive the updates (for example,

Step 14

ip ddns update name


Router(config-if) ip ddns update myupdate

Specifies the name of the update method to use for sending Dynamic DNS updates associated with address changes on this interface.

Step 15



Router(config)# exit

Exits to privileged EXEC mode.