If you need to create a new group, please create a DDNS Key instead. DDNS Keys have all the functionality of a group but are easier to configure, more secure, and offer better update client compatibility. We recommend to only use this Groups guide if you have already created groups that you need to manage.
No-IP has a sub-account feature that can be used to limit the access an update client has to your account. You may want to do this if you are ever in a scenario where you are installing an update client at multiple locations and are not the sole user of those computers/devices.
Note: This feature is only available to Enhanced Dynamic DNS, Plus Managed DNS, or Pro Dynamic DNS users.
To create a sub-account on your dashboard click on “Dynamic DNS“ and select “Groups”. Click “Add Group“ to create a new group and name it. (In our example we used “group-four”).
Enter in a password you would like to use for the group. Then select the hostnames you wish to add to the group under “Grouped Hostnames”. Finally click “Add Group”.
You have just set-up your group account. To update this group with your Dynamic DNS client you will need to provide the following login information:
Username = groupname:username [email address or username will work]
Password = the group password you just configured
Some clients don’t like a colon(:) character as a separator, you can use the url encoded colon character %3A, %23, or # if you run into this issue.
Note: If you’re having trouble getting a router or device to update a group, you can update the group using our DUC program instead.
Updating a Single Host:
noip-duc -u groupname:username -p grouppassword -g exampledomain.com
Updating Multiple Hosts:
noip-duc -u groupname:username -p grouppassword -g domain1234.net,exampledomain.com,myexampleurl.me,myotherdomain.biz