Cobalt RaQ3x/4x/XTR

Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using Cobalt RaQ4/XTR

Please note, as of January 2011, all CSR’s must be generated with a key length of 2048

To Enable SSL on a Virtual Site:

  • Go to the Server Management screen.
  • Click the green icon (Wrench for RaQ4, Pencil for XTR) next to the virtual site on which you want to enable SSL. The Site Management screen appears.
  • Click “Site Settings” on the left side. (Then ‘General’ for XTR)
  • Click the check box next to “Enable SSL”.
  • Click “Save Changes”.

The RaQ4/XTR saves the configuration of the virtual site.

Generate a self-signed certificate:

  • Once SSL is enabled, the user must now create a self-signed certificate. The self-signed certificate will be signed later by an external authority.
  • Go to the Server Management screen.
  • Click the green icon (Wrench for RaQ4, Pencil for XTR) next to the SSL enabled virtual site).
  • Click “SSL Settings” on the left side. The Certificate Subject Information table appears.
  • Enter the following information:

- Country Enter the two-letter country code
- State Enter the name of the state or County
- Locality Enter the city or locality
- Organization Enter the name of the organization
- Organizational Unit As an option, enter the name of a department

  • Select “Generate self-signed certificate” from the pull-down menu at the bottom.
  • Click” Save Changes”.

The RaQ4/XTR processes the information and regenerates the screen with the new self-signed certificate in the Certificate Request and Certificate windows.


Copy the entire contents of the certificate request, including:
for use during the purchasing process.

For more information, see the Cobalt User Guide available at: