Step 1: Log in to the Account Manager.
Step 2: The Domain Details section displays different options depending on where your domain name is currently pointing.
- If the domain currently points to a Standard Under Construction Page, XX Page Web Site, or a Web Forwarding Address, then to the right of Change Domain to point to: select the radio button next to Custom DNS Setting and click on the Apply Change button
- If DNS Settings is listed then click on Edit DNS
- If Domain currently points to Designated DNS then click on the Edit link
Note: If you have more than one domain name, you will first need to click on the domain name you want to change.
Step 3: On the “Edit DNS” page, in the “Move DNS to a New Name Server” section click on the “Continue” button.
Step 4: After reading the confirmation warning, click on the “Continue” button.
Step 5: In the textbox, type the names of the No-IP name servers from the list in your confirmation email. If you don’t have enough spaces, you can add additional spaces by clicking on the “Add More Name Servers” button, then when finished click on the “Continue” button.
Step 6: To confirm your DNS changes, click on the “Continue” button, and then click on the “Save DNS” button.
Note: DNS server changes may take 24-48 hours to update or propagate throughout the Internet. Please remember that changing the DNS could cause any associated Network Solutions services (e.g., Websites, email accounts, Private Registration) to become unavailable.