How to Setup Domain Registration

Domain Registration itself does not need any set up. It is only the reservation of a specific name. However, additional management and Dynamic DNS capabilities for your domain requires extra configuration, and our Plus, or Pro service. Follow the links below for specific guides for each service.

It takes between 24 to 48 hours for newly registered domains to fully propagate around the globe.

Domain Registration Management

Management options are found on the Domain Registration page. Under the “Actions” dropdown you have a few options:  ConfigureAdd Plus Managed DNSManage Hostnames and Lock/Unlock your domain.

  • ConfigureAllows you to set your domain’s whois contacts and manage its nameservers.
  • Add Plus DNS: Upgrades your account with our Plus Managed DNS service. Plus allows you to create sub-domains and includes 5 DDNS clients to dynamically update them. Plus also supports advanced records such as AAAATXTDKIM and more.
  • Manage Hosts: Allows you to configure DNS records for your domain.
  • The lock pad Lockpad Icon will lock your domain from being transferred, or unlock it if you plan to transfer your domain.

Nameserver Management

Nameserver records are managed by your domain registrar and are how you delegate DNS management for your domain from one provider to another. For example, if you have our Plus or Pro service, your nameservers should be set to our “No-IP Plus Defaults”. (If your domain is registered through No-IP, your nameservers should already be set correctly.)

No-IP nameservers

Nameserver records can be manually edited. From the Domain Registration page, click on the Actions dropdown then Configure. Lastly, scroll down to find the nameserver options.

Please note before making any nameserver changes: It takes between 24 and 48 hours for nameserver changes to fully propagate around the globe. The nameserver change may show in some locations instantly but can take up to 48 hours for the change to provision globally. If you see an alert message in your account it will automatically go away after 48 hours. Your domain may not resolve properly until the change is complete.