You can update your domain’s Whois contact information for Registrant, Administrator, Billing and Technical by logging into your No-IP account. Once logged in navigate to “My Services” and in the drop down menu select “Domain Registration”. Then on the menu that appears, click “Domain Contacts” click “Modify” after to update the existing contact. You can select “Add Contact” to create a new contact. Enter in the new contact information and then “Update Contact” or “Create Contact.”
Once updated you will want to push the contact information or set the correct contact on the domain to the correct person. To push the new contact information go to “Domain Registration,” select “Configure” next to your domain name. You will then be able to set the contact information you created for Registrant, Administrator, Billing and Technical by selecting the contact information from the drop down box. Once selected click “Update Contacts.” Your Whois contact information will then be updated with the correct information.